Check your eligibility

Great, let's get started.

Check your likelihood of being approved for a business loan or overdraft without affecting your credit rating. We check your details with a soft credit search.

Have the following information to hand:

  • Personal information
  • Address history for the past three years
  • Partner or director details
  • Details of existing business loan repayments
  • Business turnover in the last 12 months

Confirming your agreement

By continuing, you confirm that you have read and understood how we may use your information in the ways described above and are happy to proceed. You have no obligation to apply.

This tool only offers an indication of likelihood. You must be over 18 years of age to apply for these products. Please read the following information before continuing:

Financial Services Compensation Scheme Guide (PDF, 3MB)

How we use your information
Picture of the author
Other amounts available at alternative rates. Our rates depend on your circumstances and loan amount and may differ from the Representative APR. Representative APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is used for comparison purposes and shows the annual interest rate we expect at least 51% of customers who are accepted for and enter into a loan agreement with us to get. APR takes into account not just the interest on the loan but also other charges you have to pay, for example, any arrangement fee.